TLC Equestrian
Tracy L Comte
Located in beautiful Kamloops BC
Tracys' credentials include over 30 years experience in the horse industry.
Horsemanship above all else.
Tracy has been a certified coach through Equine Canada since 1998. She is "Registered" and "Licensed" in adherence to the requirements allocated through Equine Canada.
Tracy has had much success with young horse development. Focusing on performance horses and ponies. Training focus is geared towards the competition ring whether it be Hunter, Jumper or Dressage disciplines.
Competitive Career highlights include BCHJA Championship award 2006 (Hunter division), BCHJA Reserve Championship award (Jumper division). Multiple Horse Show Championships over many, many years of competition.
Tracy runs a very successful lesson program. Excelling in both young rider development and experienced rider training. Students in lesson programs regularly attend competitions with consistent placings and successes. Many of which achieve Championship Awards!